Landscape Committee

By Mary Sapp

Winter tends to be a down time for landscaping, but we are planning for the new year and did have some tree work done in December. A nearly dead spruce behind 11122 Lakespray was removed and replaced with a Green Giant Thuja. Unfortunately, a large red oak behind 11108 Lakespray also had to be removed because two arborists deemed it a hazard to nearby homes due to disease at the top. It was replaced with a native American hornbeam (see photo to right), adding to three other native trees and a dozen native seedlings planted last year in the wooded natural area between Lakespray and Lakeport Ways. 

With the encouragement of Reston Association and Fairfax County, we have been planting natives there and in other areas in Lake
port to provide screening for owners and shelter and food for birds. Last year, a rhododendron and three other native seedlings were planted between Lakespray and South Lakes Drive, and a witch hazel and six native shrubs were planted on Lakeport property between Sunrise Valley Drive and the RA path to the pool. At the request of Fairfax ReLeaf, Inc. (the source of our free seedlings), we reported native trees and shrubs planted in 2022 to

Last year’s native trees are in addition to others planted over the preceding few years as replacements for live trees that had to be removed: four American hollies, four Eastern redbuds, two fringe trees, two serviceberries, a sweet bay magnolia, a witch hazel, and five native shrubs. In addition, several small hollies and a redbud that showed up as “volunteers” in other locations were transplanted to our wooded areas, and native ferns, grasses, and other perennials were used exclusively in the two conservation landscaping areas and the rain garden installed for storm-water mitigation. 

Let me end with a request: As you may recall, volunteers planted almost 500 liriope near the Safeway sidewalk. Unfortunately, walkers and bicyclists have cut across this area, flattening the new plants in two areas in particular and interfering with their ability to get established. We will be installing signs shortly asking people to avoid walking on plants and to use one of the paver paths through the liriope from Lakeport Way to the RA path instead. Sticking to paths and sidewalks rather than walking on planted areas here (and other areas as well) will help Lakeport landscape look more attractive. Your cooperation is appreciated. Thanks. 

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