From the Editor

By Stephen Sapp

A picture containing flower, tree, outdoor, plant

Description automatically generatedThis has been a rough summer for me (and Mary). In mid-May I fell in our house, suffered a traumatic brain injury, and spent three days in the hospital, followed by a lengthy recuperation. A few days before my fall, my older brother in Asheville, NC, underwent major surgery and has been in the hospital there ever since with several serious complications because of a mistake by his surgical team. I hold his general power of attorney and his healthcare power of attorney and have been managing both his financial affairs and his medical care since early June, with three trips to Asheville and almost daily phone calls with various of his many doctors. Add to this long-avoided bouts with Covid for both of us followed by rebound Covid for me in early August, and summer 2022—though definitely memorable—is not one I ever want to repeat.

Through it all, I have often found myself gazing out the window (my view is in the photo to the left) or sitting on our deck enjoying the natural beauty that surrounds us in Lakeport and finding there a much-needed sense of peace and relaxation. I urge you also to take advantage of the opportunities we have so close at hand to enjoy nature and not to take what we have here (or your health) for granted! Be sure to take some time to get outside, breathe deeply, and relax!

If you have comments about this Summer issue of Ripples and/or would like to submit an item for our Fall issue, please email me at

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