Roads closed: Vehicle access to homes is restricted on Tuesday while paving is going on and on Wednesday to allow time for asphalt to cure.
- Schedule: Brothers changed their original schedule and did most of the milling on Monday and will finish milling on Tuesday. The hope is that they can also repave all of the roads on Tuesday. Lakeport will remain closed until at least noon on Wednesday to allow time for asphalt at the entrance to cure (exact opening time dependes on whether paving can be finished on Tuesday) . All contracted driveways were paved on Monday.
IMPORTANT: Contractors, deliveries, and other outside visitors should not be scheduled through Wednesday, May 19. Mail was delivered Monday. We have arranged for Tuesday's mail to be held at the Reston post office for pick up there (with ID) or for delivery once streets are open again. Garbage pickup is supposed to take place on Tuesday (to as many homes as they can reach). Emergency vehicles will be able to access homes if needed.
Walking in Lakeport: You should not walk on streets or on the RA walking path where it crosses our streets (at Triangle Park and the Lakeport entrance) while paving is being done (to avoid machinery) or until the aphalt has cured (to avoid getting tar or hot asphalt on your shoes, dogs, bicycles, etc.). You will be able to walk on the new asphalt after it’s cured (the recommended wait time is up to 24 hours, although it should be OK to cross Lakeport Way by Tuesday evening). Walk on newly paved areas cautiously to avoid getting any residue on your shoes (if it's still warm or "squishy" it's not yet cured). Please do not walk on our new streets in spike heels, cleats, or shoes with other sharp bottoms. While repaving is being done, you can avoid the tar and hot asphalt by walking on sidewalks or on the concrete gutters between the asphalt and the curbs/concrete driveway aprons. See options below. Check the bottoms of your shoes and your dog's feet before going inside in case they picked up some residue.
Brothers will put out cones to block areas that are closed and have a flagman to direct traffic on the second day. Please avoid interfering with the work being done.
Driveways: If you have not already given your check for the contracted amount to Brothers, please do so on Tuesday. It's recommended you wait to drive on your driveway for two to three days after it is paved (longer before parking a heavy vehicle on it). Any questions about the driveway process should be directed to Abdul Salamkhail
Options for Parking Outside Lakeport and Suggested Routes to Get There
To help figure out how to get to parking before asphalt has cured, the Board suggests the following options:
· Route A: concrete gutters starting at 1963 Lakeport Way to 2001-2003 Lakeport Way and along the concrete driveway apron at the end to RA path to SLV.
· Route B: sidewalk from 1944 to 1966 Lakeport Way and then on RA path to SLV.
· Route C: Either in front of carports to the intersection with Lakespray and then continue on Route B or in front of carports (or on the RA path by the dock) to 1963 Lakeport Way and then continue on Route A.
· Route D: uphill on concrete gutters starting at 11129 Lakespray and along Lakespray to the far end and then on path through the woods to Safeway.
· Route E: sidewalk from 11120 to 11100 Lakespray Way, on gutter across Lakespray Way, and then on path through the woods to Safeway.
· Route F: sidewalk from 11100 Lakespray to 1944 Lakeport Way, and then continue on Route B.
· Route G: sidewalk from 1942 Lakeport Way to entrance and then RA path to Lake Thoreau Pool parking or Upper Lake Drive.
· Route H: concrete gutters between 1907 and 1939 Lakeport Way to RA path and then on path to SLV (Lakeport Way by Triangle Park will be safe to cross by then).
· Route I: concrete gutters from 1923 toward 1907 Lakeport Way, through the side yard (resident has granted permission) and between the two fence railings next to the RA path to Lake Thoreau Pool parking or Upper Lake Drive.
Below are suggested routes to offsite parking for your address, although you should pick any that works for you:
Lakespray, even numbers Route E, F on Day 2
Lakespray, odd numbers Route D, G on Day 2
1907-1923 Lakeport (odd) Route H, I on Day 2
1925-1939 Lakeport (odd) Route H on Day 2
1953-1959 Lakeport (odd) Route C on Day 1, RA path on Day 2
1963-2003 Lakeport (odd) Route A on Day 1, RA path on Day 2
1924-1942 Lakeport (even) Route G on Day 2
1944-1966 Lakeport (even) Route B on Day 1, RA path on Day 2
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