Alerts and Reminders

Related imageLakeport’s management company is going to be inspecting the exteriors of homes soon, and among the things they will be looking at is maintenance, including wood rot, trim, and paint. One purpose of the recent Design Review Board decision on siding was to encourage homeowners to keep up with regular exterior maintenance. If you are considering a switch to HardiePlank, please feel free to contact the Board or Kelly Driscoll.  There may be opportunities for multiple homeowners to compare pricing from different vendors or get better pricing by coordinating their projects with the same vendor.

Photos/PathWe have learned that Reston Association plans to re-pave the walking path through Lakeport Cluster in September or October. Because of the upcoming work on the dock, paving on the part of the path next to the dock will be postponed to avoid damage from heavy equipment.

Image result for images for warning signsTwo of our neighbors suggested that Lakeport residents be sent the following announcements so that others could avoid problems they encountered:

  1. Homeowners should replace gasket/pressure regulators in their bathtubs and showers (including the overflow) to avoid flooding from a leak.
  2. Another resident learned during her house inspection that her fire-retardant plywood (FRT) roof sheathing had to be replaced because the material can degrade seriously due simply to high attic temperatures, causing it to fail to retard the spread of fire. Others may wish to check as well.

Image result for image for reminderAll July HOA payments were due by July 31. According to the collection policy in Lakeport’s Handbook at, “Any installment of the assessment which is not fully paid to the Association within 30 days of the Due Date shall be considered delinquent and a late charge in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be posted to the account every thirty (30) days thereafter until the installment and all associated late charges and collection costs are fully paid.” Additional remedies are described for situations where assessments continue to go unpaid.

Summertime, and the Livin’ Is Easy . . . unless you’re a plant and you don’t get enough water during these long, dry, hot summer days. The longer days and increased heat of summer mean that the plants in our yards come under greater stress, especially during periods of no or sporadic rain. To maintain the appearance of our community (not to mention to save yourself the expense of replacement), please remember to water your plants when needed. Helpful information can be found at the following sites:

Help keep our community clean and beautiful! Please pick up trash while you’re out walking. If you notice overflowing trash cans at South Lakes Village, please take a photo and forward it to the Board so we can pass it on to the South Lakes Village management company.

Mosquito Clip ArtIf you’re having trouble with mosquitoes, check out

No automatic alt text available.This year’s annual End-of-Summer-Lake-Thoreau Boat Party has been rescheduled for Saturday September 9, the Saturday after Labor Day to accommodate the schedule of Turtle Recall, the popular band that has played for the past few years.

rat brownIf you’ve seen rats near your home, Reston Association requests that you not use poison because doing so can kill other animals. They recommend strategically placed snap traps or an electronic rodent zapper as the best ways to deal with rats. Some Lakeport residents have hired exterminators who use baited boxes that are cleared each month and supposedly have no effect on chipmunks, squirrels, cats, and dogs (only rats). For tips on prevention, see

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