A Suggestion to Improve Lighting in Lakeport: A well-lit community is one of the most basic measures we can take to ensure the safety of our residents and our property. The Board has had new bollards installed and the streetlights brought into good working condition. One suggestion that has been made to further the goal of safe lighting is for residents to leave their lights on at night, especially those in end units with corner lights, which according to long-time Lakeport residents used to be standard practice. This is of course voluntary, but doing this small thing would be a gracious contribution to the overall safety and attractiveness of our community.
Inspection Status: If you have completed repairs identified as part of Lakeport’s annual inspections and haven’t notified the Board yet that your work is complete, please email Board president Mary Sapp at msapp@miami.edu to let her know. She’ll inform SCS for you.
Frozen pipes: In past winters several Lakeport residents have had to deal with burst water pipes as a result of freezing temperatures. If you have pipes that are vulnerable, you should take steps to avoid having to address the problem of broken pipes and potentially costly damage and repairs. It is also a good idea to arrange with a neighbor to have access to each other’s homes in case one or the other of you is out of town when this (or some other emergency) arises.
Holiday trash schedule: American Disposal Service will not be picking up trash on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Christmas trees will be collected the first two weeks of January (no decorations, tinsel, or plastic bags, please). NOTE: Please do not dump your Christmas tree in the woods!
Regular trash collection: If your trash or recycling is not picked up by 2:00 p.m. on a scheduled collection day, please call ADS at 703-388-0500 (also imprinted on the outside of your trash bin if you forget the number).
Dog waste: If you see a dog walker who fails to pick up the dog’s waste, please remind the person that doggie bags are available at two stations on the walking path in Lakeport.
Never Again Be Late Paying Your Quarterly Assessment: Please consider paying your quarterly assessments by direct deposit instead of sending a check or paying online (which incurs an extra fee). If you decide to switch to direct deposit, it means that you never have to worry about incurring late fees because you might forget to make the payment (currently $25 a month for every 30 days the payment is late). In addition to sparing yourself the worry and hassle of making the payments manually, you save Lakeport Cluster Association over $36 a year in costs associated with having the management company mail your assessment notices, helping us keep expenses and therefore homeowners’ fees as low as possible, not to mention saving the Board time that has to be spent reminding people who haven’t paid that the end of the month is approaching. You can cancel the arrangement at any time if for some reason autopay doesn’t work out for you.
Should you wish to take advantage of this convenient way to pay your Lakeport assessment fees, please follow the instructions for filling out and mailing the form at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U_9xgrDVzZlOBoUG04XT2vlxmWa99C6q/view.
Annual Report and Budget: The PowerPoint from Lakeport’s 2018 Annual Meeting is posted at https://www.lakeportcluster.org/p/material-for-2018-annual-meeting.html. If you couldn’t attend, you can review information from the meeting there. A preliminary 2019 budget was presented at that meeting; final budgets will be mailed to owners by SCS before the end of the year.
Contact Information: Can’t remember a neighbor’s name? Remember most residents and owners are listed in Lakeport’s Directory (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zeaG3zBxgVw7xkMbOOAbmCqAQ-NJ58fU/view; PW=lakespray). If you have a question for SCS, contact their portfolio manager for Lakeport, Alvaro Guerra: aguerra@scs-management.com, 703-631-2003.
And it’s a good idea while you’re there to check your own information and update it if there have been changes in your information. If a correction is needed, send it to both news@lakeportcluster.org and aguerra@scs-management.com. If your home has renters, please also ask them to send their contact information to these two emails.
Connie’s Quilt: We hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy this year’s art project, “Connie’s Quilt,” courtesy of the STEAM TEAM at South Lakes High School and sponsors (including Lakeport’s own James and Holly Pan). The many parts of this organic, kinetic sculpture represent “our societal fabric and the importance of connectivity between people. Connie’s Quilt sets out to dispel the myth of the ‘self-made man’ and identify the reality that nobody gets where they are without support from family and friends. Interdependence is crucial to the survival and prosperity of any community . . . . The rings of this artwork represent how every individual is connected.” This message is certainly relevant to our Lakeport community, and we hope it resonates with all of us during this holiday season.
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