From the Editor

By Stephen Sapp

Summer is here and the temperature is heating up! And so are activities around Lakeport Cluster, as you will see in many of the articles in this issue of Ripples!

Construction of the new community dock is finally underway after seemingly interminable delays with permitting, the dredging of Lake Thoreau is almost complete, and new lighting will be installed as soon as the dock is done (including restoring power to several streetlights that had to be disconnected for the dock work). In addition, tree trimming and other landscaping are ongoing, and several of our residents have replaced their siding or roofs, with others making various repairs to their homes, both outside and within. All in all, Lakeport Cluster will enter the fall (which I’m sure we will all welcome by the time it gets here!) in great shape.

Enjoy reading more about the above items, plus a number of others (including a great salsa recipe for your outdoor gatherings this summer and beyond), below.

As always, we welcome your comments and responses (

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