Message from Lakeport President

C:\Users\Mary Sapp\Dropbox\Personal\Lakeport\Ripples\Photo - Daffodils by dock.JPG
Happy early spring! Many things are currently going on in Lakeport Cluster that you will want to know about. See in particular a report on the status of our new dock, the latest on the Reston Association Design Review Board’s decision about HardiePlank siding, news about our first TGIF party of the year and other social activities that help you get to know your neighbors better, and reports from committees that are re-activating.

Even though it’s well past New Year’s, I’m asking you to become more involved in what’s happening by making a resolution to get more engaged in your community. The article on Neighborhood Watch in this edition of Ripples urges you to get to know your neighbors and exchange phone numbers and email addresses with them as a way of improving safety and security, but I’m also asking you to do this as a way to make friends and create connections within your neighborhood. It’s the first step in a neighbors-helping-neighbors culture that will make Lakeport Cluster a better place to live. It’s reassuring to know that there’s someone you can count on to watch your home when you’re out of town, close your garage door if you forget to do that when you drive away, take your paper to your door if it’s raining, help with shoveling snow, and so forth.

Along these lines, please take a minute to check the accuracy of your contact information in the Neighborhood Directory on the Lakeport web site. You can email the website administrator for the password to view the directory or if you need to make changes.

A great way to become involved is by volunteering for one of Lakeport’s committees. There are lots of opportunities: If you have a green thumb, share your skills on the Landscape Committee. If you have a logical mind and attention to detail, the Standards Committee could use you. Someone who is gracious and friendly by nature would be a good addition to the Welcome Committee. If you like planning (or just attending!) parties, we can use more members on the Social Committee. If you walk around the community regularly, why not do double duty as part of Neighborhood Watch? And if you have an interest in leadership and are willing to meet once each month, please consider joining the Lakeport Board when we ask for candidates next August (I have found it to be a great way to get to know people living here and to learn more about the community where I now live).

Even if you can’t serve on a committee, I hope you will make time to get to know people who live near you by attending some of our social events: Lakeport’s first TGIF of the year will be April 14, the annual Easter egg hunt is April 1, and a new wine club will hold their first tasting on March 29 (see the “Getting to Know Your Neighbors” article for more details). I’d also encourage you to attend upcoming Lakeport meetings: The dock committee will hold an open meeting on March 22 to discuss next steps, and once the engineering plans have received approval from Reston Association and Fairfax County, we will announce a special meeting for all owners to vote on spending money from our reserves to construct the new dock. I look forward to meeting those of you I don’t yet know and to seeing you at various Lakeport Cluster events and activities.

Mary Sapp
President, Lakeport Cluster Association

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