By Linda Rosenberg, Book Club Coordinator
Refreshments are very simple or drinks only. The membership has traditionally been only women, but if someone of the opposite sex would like to join, we would not turn away a fellow reader.
We choose books, usually current ones, as we go along. Anyone with an idea can suggest a book but that person must have read the book, not just a review of it.
Our next meeting is March 20 at 7:00 p.m. at 1915 Lakeport way, the home of Linda and Rich Rosenberg. New members are very welcome. We will be discussing The Last Goodnight by Howard Blum. It is the true story of Betty Peck, a dazzling American debutante who became one of World War II’s most successful allied spies. If you plan to attend or want more information, give Linda a call at 703-231-4090.
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